Kamihime Project Wiki
[Alloyed Steel] Cu Chulainn is an SSR SSR rarity, LightSymbol Light element, Balance Balance type Kamihime.
Her max level is 80, and her release weapon is Gae Bulg Evol.

Original Awakened
Cu Chulainn Cu Chulainn (Awakened)
(Alloyed Steel) Cu Chulainn
[Alloyed Steel] Cu Chulainn
"After a hard training, Cu Chulainn gains more power.
After reuniting with her master, Scathach, she refines her strength.
(Alloyed Steel) Cu Chulainn Close Rarity SSR
Type Balance
Favourite Weapon/s Lance
Element LightSymbol Light
Max level 80
Obtained from Premium Gacha
Magic Jewel Gacha
Release weapon Gae Bulg Evol
HP Attack Total Power
307 - 1535 1740 - 8700 2047 - 10235
Burst Icon Shining Cu Chulainn
Light DMG (4,5x Burst DMG) and extends the duration of Penetrate Strength by 1 turn
(Limit Break ★★★☆) Increases to 5x Burst DMG
Dmg def down Aggressive Flash
Deals 2.5x (400.000) Light DMG to an enemy and applies Affliction rate down Normal Atk RST↓ (User-only Frame -20%, guaranteed)
(Lvl 55) Debuff duration increased by 1 turn
Cooldown: 7 turns
Period: 3 (4) Turns
Follow-up Penetrate Strength
Applies guaranteed Triple Up Triple Attack and Follow up (Icon) EXS-Assault (Follow-up that scales with HP) (100%-20%, 350k-100k DMG) to self
Consumes 4 Light Spears to fully heal self
(Lvl 75) Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
Cooldown: 6 (5) turns
Period: 2 turns

Immunity Standout Light Unlocks at Level 45
Invulnerability Nullifies all attacks against self and applies Taunt Taunt to self Cooldown: 6 turns
Period: 1 turns
Assist Trident Overlay
Grants 1 Light Spear when scoring a triple attack (max. 4)

