Kamihime Project Wiki
[Dream of Thunder] Sol is an SSR SSR rarity, ThunderSymbol Thunder element, Healer Healer type Kamihime.
Her max level is 80, and her release weapon is Lightning Shimekazari.

Original Awakened
Sol Sol (Awakened)
(Mid Summer Sun) Sol (Colorful Holy Tree) Sol (Dream of Thunder) Sol (Heavenly Affection) Sol (Celebration of Wang Ki) Sol
[Dream of Thunder] Sol
"Tired of being treated like a child, Sol starts to act like an adult lady.
She dresses up for her beloved and prays for everyone's happiness.
(Dream of Thunder) Sol Close Rarity SSR
Type Healer
Favourite Weapon/s Arcane
Element ThunderSymbol Thunder
Max level 80
Obtained from Premium Gacha
Magic Jewel Gacha
Release weapon Lightning Shimekazari
HP Attack Total Power
338 - 1690 1300 - 6500 1638 - 8190
Burst Icon Dreamin Prominence
Thunder DMG (4,5x Burst DMG) and summons Fuji (Icon) Fuji, Hawk (Icon) Hawk and Eggplant (Icon) Eggplant
(Limit Break ★★★☆) Increases to 5x Burst DMG
Heal atk def up Fortunate Hope
Heals all allies for 1300 HP and recovers 1 affliction
(Lvl 55) Reduces the cooldown by 1 turn
Cooldown: 6 (5) turns
Dmg atk down Rip Up Shock
Thunder DMG (190.000) to all enemies and Attack Down ATK↓ (C Frame -20%)
(Lvl 75) Attack Down ATK↓ increased to (C Frame -30%)
Cooldown: 6 turns
Period: 180 sec

Skill burst up Lucky Charm Unlocks at Level 45
All allies Burst Gauge↑ (+5)
※ Consume 1 sigil for an additional effect
Fuji (Icon) Fuji: all allies' Defense Up DEF↑ (D Frame +30% 3Ts)
Hawk (Icon) Hawk: all allies' Burst Gauge↑ (+15)
Eggplant (Icon) Eggplant: Heal all allies for 1000 HP
Cooldown: 1 turn
Assist Lightening Protection
Unaffected by Ability Seal/Burst Seal effects (including Rampage)


  • Lightening Protection Covers any and all action inhibiting afflictions
  • 30th September 2024 Rebalance:
    • Rip Up Shock - Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
    • Dizzy Charm
    • Paralysis Paralyze
    • Drowsiness Sleep
    • Berserk Rampage
    • Confusion Confusion
    • Chained Burst Seal & Ability Seal
    • Chained Restraint
    • Petrified Petrified
    • Frozen (Icon) Frozen
    • Scales

