Kamihime Project Wiki
[Guardian Awareness] El is an SSR SSR rarity, WaterSymbol Water element, Offense Offense type Kamihime.
Her max level is 80, and her release weapon is Water Protection Mem Shamrai.

Original Awakened
(Guardian Awareness) El
[Guardian Awareness] El
"El realizes that she will never be strong if she only pursues power.
With her friends as her new foundation, she searches for true strength.
(Guardian Awareness) El Close Rarity SSR
Type Offense
Favourite Weapon/s Sword
Element WaterSymbol Water
Max level 80
Obtained from Premium Gacha
Magic Jewel Gacha
Release weapon Water Protection Mem Shamrai
HP Attack Total Power
254 - 1270 1840 - 9200 2094 - 10470
Burst Icon Yam Zain
Water DMG (4,5x Burst DMG) and applies a 2500 HP Ally guard Barrier (2T) to all allies
(Limit Break ★★★☆) Increases to 5x Burst DMG
Osiris Tail Wind Wrap Kameaganan
Grants Atk up Rebellion↑ (+??%) and Defense Up DMG Minus (1200) to all allies
(Lvl 55) Atk up Rebellion↑ (+40%)
Cooldown: 7 turns
Period: 4 turns
Follow-up Shemshigura
Applies Normal Atk upNormal Atk up Normal ATK DMG and Limit↑ (+??% DMG/??% Cap up) and guaranteed Double UpTriple Up Combo Attack (? Frame +60%/40%) to all allies and reduces all allies HP to 50% if HP is more than 50%
(Lvl 75) Normal Atk upNormal Atk up Normal ATK DMG and Limit↑ (+20% DMG/20% Cap up)
Cooldown: 7 turns
Period: 5 turns

Shining Excitement Yeshua Gaina Unlocks at Level 45
Applies Fortitude Fortitude (once) to self and to allies whose HP is 50% or less Cooldown: 5 turns
Period: 5 turns
Assist Saratzoed
Defense Up DEF↑ (Stacking Frame +4%, 5T) for allies with Fortitude Fortitude at end of turn
Assist Mishmaruen
HP↑ (+15%) of Water characters in the entire party ◆Activated even when in sub-party

