Kamihime Project Wiki
[Repairer of Thoughts] Hlin is an SSR SSR rarity, LightSymbol Light element, Offense Offense type Kamihime.
Her max level is 80, and her release weapon is Happiness Sewing.

Original Awakened
(Dawn Light Dress Maker) Hlin (Repairer of Thoughts) Hlin
[Repairer of Thoughts] Hlin
"Using all the skills she has, Hlin has restored a wedding dress.
She wears the beautiful dress, remembering the intentions of its creator.
(Repairer of Thoughts) Hlin Close Rarity SSR
Type Offense
Favourite Weapon/s Arcane
Element LightSymbol Light
Max level 80
Obtained from Premium Gacha
Magic Jewel Gacha
Release weapon Happiness Sewing
HP Attack Total Power
250 - 1250 1910 - 9550 2160 - 10800
Burst Icon Shine Needlework
Light DMG (4,5x Burst DMG) and applies Triple Up Triple Attack rate↑ (A Frame +8%, 7T) to all allies
(Limit Break ★★★☆) Increases to 5x Burst DMG
Always atk rate up Zingy Sewing
Applies guaranteed Triple Up Triple Attack (1T) and Follow up (Icon) Follow-up (4T) (20%, max 120k DMG) to all allies, but also applies Double Attack rate↓ (-50%, 4T) (Neutral) Cooldown: 7 turns
Period: 1•4 turns
Dmg light Finesse Veil
Deals 1.5x (190.000) Light DMG to all enemies and applies Attack Down Defense Down ATK↓/DEF↓ (B Frame -20%)
(Lvl 75) Attack Down Defense Down ATK↓/DEF↓ (B Frame -30%)
Cooldown: 7 turns
Period: 180 sec

Burst red Feathered Beast Unlocks at Level 45
Activates normal attack without increasing Burst Gauge Cooldown: 3 turns
Assist Ardazen Art
HP recovery for all allies at the end of turn according to the number of triple attacks done during the turn
(1) 50, (2) 100, (3) 500, (4) 700 and (5) 800
Assist Glint Masterpiece
All allies' Triple Attack rate↑ (+5%) ◆Also activates when in sub-party

