Kamihime Project Wiki
"An ancient ruler who built a great country with great tactics and courage. Caring about her good friends, she mercilessly crushes her opponents."
Alexander Close Tier S Class
Favourite Weapons Sword
Type Offense
Master Bonus Soul Attack +4% ATK
Release Conditions Charlemagne Lvl 20
Hector Lvl 20
500 SSP
Completion of
Stages 1 - 5 in Hall
of Research
Burst Icon Leon Odus
"A blow using all of Alexander's anger towards the enemy. At the command, the lions crush the opponent and eat them."
★ Element, DMG and Effects are dependent on equipped weapon
Ability 1
Dmg burst Ellenhos Episessi
Deals 4x (800.000) DMG to all enemies and Defense Up cuts all damage to self (3 times) Cooldown: 6 Turns
Ability 2
Dmg unafflicted Simos Eclipsis Unlocks at Level 5
Deals 5x (1.000.000) DMG to all enemies and applies Burst gauge↑ (+20) for all allies
Ability Spread (icon) *Re-activates at the end of turn
Cooldown: 7 Turns
Period: 2 Turns
Ability 3
Buff ATK Basileus Odigia Unlocks at Level 15
Onslaught (Icon) Shares High King's Rage with all allies other than self Cooldown: 7 Turns
Period: 2 Turns
Assist High King's Rage
ATK↑ (+30%) DEF↑ (+10%), and Triple Attack rate↑ (+??%)
*If 2 or more allies are incapacitated, performance↑ (ATK↑/DEF↑ (+100%), Follow-up (15%, max 100k DMG) and Spread)
★ (Roaring Blade Gordias) Follow-up performance increased (20%, max. 150k DMG)
Assist Readiness to Avenge
Duration of Simos Eclipsis and Basileus Odigia is extended according to the number of incapacitated allies (+1 turn per knocked out ally)
Assist Ruggedness of Valor
Upper limit of recovery UP (+??%)
★ Only active when Fang Hammer Leon Thymos is equipped

Level Up Bonus[]

Level Bonus
1 Soul Attack +300 ATK and Soul def +3% DEF
5 Soul Attack +300 ATK and Soul def +3% DEF
10 Soul Attack +300 ATK and Soul def +3% DEF
15 Soul Attack +300 ATK and Soul def +3% DEF
20 Soul Attack +300 ATK and Soul def +3% DEF
Total Bonus Soul Attack +1500 ATK and Soul def +15% DEF

