Kamihime Project Wiki
Berith [Awakened] is an SSR SSR rarity, DarkSymbol Dark element, Offense Offense type Kamihime.
Her max level is 80, and she does not have a release weapon.

Original Awakened
Berith Berith (Awakened)
(Impetuous Battleaxe) Berith
Berith [Awakened]
"Berith finds her place, overcoming her fear of being alone.
She’s still a bit snappy, but she expresses her feelings in her own way.
Berith (Awakened) Close Rarity SSR
Type Offense
Favourite Weapon/s Gun
Element DarkSymbol Dark
Max level 80
Obtained from Awaken Berith
Release weapon N/A
HP Attack Total Power
290 - 1450 2340 - 11700 2630 - 13150
Burst Icon Luminant Break
Dark DMG (4,5x Burst DMG) and applies Defense Up DMG Minus (2500) to self for 2 turns
(Limit Break ★★★☆) Increases to 5x Burst DMG
Dmg dark Oaz Shoot+
Deals Dark DMG (100.000) to all enemies and applies Atk up ATK↑ (Stacking Frame +30%) to self
(Lvl 55) Increases DMG cap (300.000) and adds Double UpTriple Up Combo Attack rate↑ (Stacking Frame +??%/??%)
Cooldown: 3 turns
Intercept ability Act Arbitration+
Applies Intercept Intercept (250.000 cap), Taunt Taunt and Berserk Rampage (+100%) to self ※ Uses 10% of max HP
(Lvl 75) Increases Intercept Intercept DMG cap (550.000)
Cooldown: 5 turns
Period: 3 turns

Shining Excitement (Kingu) Delude Self Unlocks at Level 45
Applies Atk up Counterattack (+30~90%) and Fortitude Fortitude (once) to self
(Lvl 45) Reduces cooldown by 4 turns
Cooldown: 9 (5) turns
Period: 5 turns
Assist Perverse Heart
Recovery limit↑ to self (+100%) (separate from Ascension)
Assist Honest Heart
Abilities can be used during Berserk Rampage. Dark ATK↑ (+20%) when Taunt Taunt is active. If Intercept is successful, Atk up SP ATK↑ (+5%, 5T) to self

