Kamihime Project Wiki
Kamihime Project Wiki
Biscuit Creare
"Magical greatsword made from a cookie, it changes its hardness depending on its magic levels.
Normally it can be eaten like a cookie and then later magically restored.
Biscuit Creare Rarity SR
Type Sword
Element EarthSymbol Wind
Max Level 85
Thunderclaps of Sorrow Through Christmas Eve
Releases (Moderate Bear) Volos
HP Attack Total Power Limit Break
12 - 72 290 - 1740 302 - 1812 ☆ - 3 ★
Burst Effect Limit Break
Burst Icon Wind DMG(3x) ☆ - 1 ★
Wind DMG(3,5x)
2 ★ - 3 ★
Skill 1
Limit Break
WS wind assault Storm Assault - Wind Characters' ATK↑ (Medium) ☆ - 3 ★

