Kamihime Project Wiki
Brahma [Awakened] is an SSRplus SSR+ rarity, ThunderSymbol Thunder element, Offense Offense type Kamihime.
Her max level is 80, and she does not have a release weapon.

Original Awakened
Brahma Brahma (Awakened)
(Waterside Maiden) Brahma
Brahma [Awakened]
"Brahma who gained enormous magical power from the Cosmo Charger.
It powered up her multifunctional weapons, and drastically improved her fighting ability.
Brahma (Awakened) Close Rarity SSRplus
Type Offense
Favourite Weapon/s Gun
Element ThunderSymbol Thunder
Max level 80
Obtained from Awaken Brahma
Release weapon N/A
HP Attack Total Power
288 - 1440 2140 - 10700 2428 - 12140
Burst Icon Trimurti Shot
Thunder DMG (5,5x Burst DMG) and applies Atk up Vigor (+100%) (3T) to self
Dmg thunder Lightning Missile+
Deals Thunder DMG (90.000x8) 8 times to random enemies
(Lvl 65) Adds Burst Gauge↑ (+20)
Cooldown: 6 turns
Heal buff Cosmo Charge+
Heals self for 1500 HP and Defense Up DEF↑ (C Frame +??%)
(Lvl 75) Increases heal to 4000 HP, replaces Defense Up DEF↑ with Defense Up DMG Cut (C Frame 30%), adds a 2000 HP Ally guard Barrier and increases duration by 2 turns
Cooldown: 6 turns
Period: 3 (5) turns

Combo up ability Hiranyagarbha Unlocks at Level
Guarantees Double UpTriple Up Combo attacks for self
(Lvl 45) Increases duration by 2 turns
Cooldown: 8 turns
Period: 3 (5) turns
Assist Barrier Device in Use!
DEF↑ (+5%)
(Lvl 55) DEF↑ (+5%) and Atk up Vigor (+100%, 3T) to self at the start of battle


11th June 2021 Rebalance:

  • Cosmo Charge Added a 2000 HP Barrier and increased heal from 2000 HP to 4000 HP
  • Barrier Device in Use! - Removed Barrier and added Vigor (+100%, 3T) to self

