Kamihime Project Wiki
"A true gambler who loves to gamble dangerously, and would even
bet her life. To her, life is just a worldwide game."
Caspar Close Tier S Class
Favourite Weapons Gun
Type Tricky
Master Bonus HP soul bonus +4% HP
Release Conditions D'Artagnan Lvl 20
500 SP
Completion of
Stages 1 - 5 in Hall
of Research
Burst Icon Fatal Bullet
A secret technique that uses the power of magic bullets to hit the target with a rain of bullets.
The bullet attack is fatal...?
★ Element, DMG and Effects are dependent on equipped weapon
Ability 1
Snatch red Schnappen Angriff
Deals DMG to all enemies commensurate to their Snatch depth (+~200.000 DMG per Snatch depth, ~2.000.000 at depth 9) and applies up to three stacks of Snatch Item Drop Rate↑
★ (Narstral) Reduces the cooldown by 1 Turn
Cooldown: 5 turns
Ability 2A
Heal buff Stahlherz Unlocks at Level 5
Heals self for 1.800HP and applies Atk upDefense Up ATK/DEF↑ (B Frame +50%).
Applies to all allies when Snatch depth is 6 or more
Cooldown: 5 turns
Period: 3 turns
Ability 2B
Buff ATK Besch Bern Dice
Applies Atk upDefense Up ATK/DEF↑ (B Frame +50%), Double UpTriple Up Combo Attack rate↑ (A Frame +20%/20%) and Crit up Crit Rate↑ (+30% DMG, +35% Rate) to all allies. Duration is dependent on Snatch depth. Cooldown: 7 turns
Period: 1~5 turns
Ability 2C
Reduce CD Falsche Zeit
Activates Schnappen Angriff, but consumes 10 Burst Gauge Cooldown: 1 turn
Ability 3A
Debuff atk def Freikugel Unlocks at Level 15
Applies Attack DownDefense Down ATK/DEF↓ (B Frame -30%) to all enemies Cooldown: 6 turns
Period: 180 sec
Ability 3B
Dmg def down Trick Spiel
Deals 500.000 attributeless DMG to an enemy and applies Defense Down DEF↓
(User-only, -5% per stack). Cooldown is reduced by 1 with each Snatch depth.
Cooldown: 10 turns
Ability 3C
Reduce CD Falsch Endlich
Activates Schnappen Angriff, but consumes 5% of Max. HP Cooldown: 1 turn
Snatch ability Snatch Dx
Applies Snatch Item Drop Rate↑ 15 times to all enemies (Max 9 stacks)
* Can only be used once per battle.
Cooldown: 0 Turns
Assist Intuition of The Matchmaker
Increases Snatch success rate and decreases its cooldown by one turn
Assist Gambling Tips
Special ATK↑ (+3% per Snatch depth) and Combo Attack Rate↑ (+1%/1% per Snatch depth) commensurate to target's Snatch depth
Assist Significant Rate
Greatly increases the success of Snatch skills
★ Only active when Zami El Geweer is equipped

Level Up Bonus[]

Level Bonus
1 Soul snatch +5% Snatch Success Rate and HP soul bonus +100 HP
5 Soul snatch +5% Snatch Success Rate and HP soul bonus +100 HP
10 Soul snatch +5% Snatch Success Rate and HP soul bonus +100 HP
15 Soul snatch +5% Snatch Success Rate and HP soul bonus +100 HP
20 Soul snatch +5% Snatch Success Rate and HP soul bonus +100 HP
Total Bonus Soul snatch +25% Snatch Success Rate and HP soul bonus +500 HP


  • Besch Bern Dice Durations:
    • Snatch 0 - 2: 1 Turn
    • Snatch 3 - 4: 2 Turns
    • Snatch 5 - 6: 3 Turns
    • Snatch 7 - 8: 4 Turns
    • Snatch 9  : 5 Turns
  • Besch Bern Dice might only apply the duration extension for Caspar until a correction during maintenance on the 9th of September
    • This has been corrected in a maintenance since
  • Trick Spiel is noted to have a -9T CD reduction at 9 Snatch levels, and is assumed to be directly commensurate to Snatch Level

1st June 2021 Rebalance:

  • Falsche Zeit - Changed cooldown reset for instant activation
  • Falsch Endlich - Changed cooldown reset for instant activation

31st March 2023 Rebalance:

  • Schnappen Angriff - Significantly increased DMG limit (+~200.000 per 1 Snatch depth, ~2.000.000 at depth 9)
  • Trick Spiel - Fixed DMG amount up from 250.000 to 500.000

