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- (Abyss Mind) Ratri
- (All-Souls Death God) Osiris
- (Alloyed Steel) Cu Chulainn
- (Angel of Peace) Raphael
- (Apostle of Light) Satan
- (Archangel of Light) Ramiel
- (Ardent Loyalist) Nekhbet
- (Arrogant Thunder) Ishtar
- (Axe of Supremacy) Svarog
- (Beast Heart) Nefertem
- (Beauty at its Finest) Aphrodite
- (Bed Fragrance) Hypnos
- (Beyond Reminiscence) Phoibe
- (Beyond Thoughts) Brigid
- (Bitter Navy) Asherah
- (Black Flame Maid) Amon
- (Black Wing Witch) Amon
- (Blade of Comrade) Lugh
- (Blessed Bomb Bride) Metatron
- (Blind Love Bride) Gaia
- (Blissful Warmth) Dagda
- (Blooming Furisode) Baal
- (Blue Rose in Ripple) Belenus
- (Bouquet of Happiness) Anshar
- (Bow of Determination) Luna
- (Breakthrough Princess) Arianrod
- (Busy Summer Figure) Nephthys
- (Cat in a 1000 Forms) Daphne
- (Charming Dragon) Aji-Dahaka
- (Colorful Holy Tree) Sol
- (Cool Breeze) Selene
- (Cool Healer) Nike
- (Courageous Guardian) Haggith
- (Crimson Beauty) Aphrodite
- (Crimson Thunder) Ryu-Oh
- (Dainty Buds) Metis
- (Dance of New Year) Apollo
- (Dancing Nymph) Boreas
- (Dancing Shrine Maiden) Nike
- (Dark Dragon) Aether
- (Dark Night Wedding) Gaia
- (Dashing White) Weisse Frau
- (Daughter of a 1000 Forms) Shoggoth
- (Dazzling Flame) Artemis
- (Determination to Protect) Lakshmi
- (Determined Protector) Ra
- (Devil Chef) Michael
- (Dimension Cutter) Airgetlam
- (Divine Healer) Buer
- (Divine Illusion) Diabolos
- (Dragon's Last Card) Jabberwock
- (Dream Bearer) Thanatos
- (Dream Cotton Spiral) Uriel
- (Dream of Thunder) Sol
- (Dream Protector) Hypnos
- (Dreaming Sloth) Amanor
- (Dual Star Guardian) Och
- (Dust's Encounter) Set
- (Eclipse Princess) Amaterasu
- (Elegant Pluto) Hades
- (Emerald Boa Archer) Atum
- (Emperor of Hell) Beelzebub
- (End of Training) Vahagn
- (Ephemeral Moon) Diana
- (Eternal Love) Ereshkigal
- (Evil Slayer) Poseidon
- (Excessive Sincerity) Titania
- (Exploding Flame of Fury) Ignis
- (Explosive Maiden) Metatron
- (Fantasy Dragon) Jabberwock
- (Fire Administrator) Botis
- (Flame Instructor) Leto
- (Flame Ogre) Surtr
- (Flame Reaper) Thanatos
- (Flame Rider of Valor) Cedia
- (Flaming Snake) Atum
- (Flower of Spring) Fia
- (Frozen Shield) Python
- (Gale's Triumph) Marduk
- (Gift of the Glide) Zahhak
- (Glowing Candy) Anahit
- (Glowing Fire Fruition) Argos
- (Gouching Snake) Susanoo
- (Great Oblivion) Hermes
- (Growing Love) Iwanaga-Hime
- (Guardian Awareness) El
- (Guardian of Golden Apples) Radon
- (Guardian of Guidance) Aratron
- (Guardian of Happiness) Kishar
- (Guardian of Heavenly Eye) Bethor
- (Guardian of Honesty) Pegasus
- (Guardian of Peace) Mars
- (Guardian of Promise) Och
- (Guardian's Vacation) Och
- (Guiding Light) Forseti
- (Guiding Wind) Yatagarasu
- (Guiding Wing) Almisael
- (Hammer of Farewell) Phoibe
- (Healing Tones) Nuwa
- (Heart of Green) Principality
- (Heavenly Affection) Sol
- (Holy Armor Warrior) Athena
- (Holy Feast) Baal
- (Holy Melody) Stolas
- (Holy Night Bond) Cybele
- (Holy Night Mission) Frey
- (Holy Night Promise) Freja
- (Holy Night Symphony) Nuwa
- (Holy Night Valor) Iris
- (Holy Warrior of Light) Aten
- (Hunter of Fiery Winds) Satan
- (Ice Crow Hero) Odin
- (Ice Fog Warden) Pluto
- (Ice Sword Spy) Agaliarept
- (Illuminating the Darkness) Hastur
- (Imagine Slasher) Svarog
- (Imperial Glory) Cronus
- (Impetuous Battleaxe) Berith
- (Indulgent Exploration) Prometheus
- (Infinite Kindness) Neptune
- (Innocent Instinct) Kali
- (Innocent Leopard) Tlazolteotl
- (Jade Horn Disciple) Nephthys
- (Kaitou Ranma) Charis
- (Kaleidoscopic Flame Blade) Frey
- (King's Road) Kingu
- (Knight in Delirium) Unicorn
- (Knight of Courage) Marchosias
- (Knight of Redemption) Hoder
- (Kotobuki Mochi) Ophiel
- (Lazy Lover) Dagda
- (Lazy Rabbit) Dagda
- (Leader of Light) Uriel
- (Leading King) Scathach
- (Lightning Heroine) Rahab
- (Lively Projection) Caspiel
- (Long-Awaited Fate) Tartarus
- (Lord of Consideration) Ishtar
- (Lord of Sand Sea) Osiris
- (Lord of Thunder) Vlad Tepes
- (Love Cat in Black) Bastet
- (Love in Full Bloom) Shaitan
- (Lovely Feather) Aphrodite
- (Mid Summer Sun) Sol
- (Mid-Autumn Rabbit) Osiris
- (Midsummer Fruit) Manes
- (Midsummer Ordeal) Amon
- (Moon Blade Artist) Tsukuyomi
- (Moon Flower Beauty) Takeminakata
- (Moonlight Maiden) Tsukuyomi
- (Moonlight Profusion) Artemis
- (Moonlit Banquet) Belenus
- (Never-setting Star) Kinshi
- (New Wind in Hell) Abou
- (New Year's Thunder) Pluto
- (New Years Ice) Nandi
- (Null Heart) Cyaegha
- (Oath under the Moon) Diabolos
- (Ocean Guardian) Shamash
- (Passion Healing) Dian Cecht
- (Passionate Banquet) Fleurety
- (Pirates of Shells) Qarantui
- (Power of Remembrance) Zabaniya
- (Prepare for the Future) Djehuti
- (Princess of Waltz) Nephthys
- (Prodigal Guardian) Phaleg
- (Pure Beauty) Tishtrya
- (Pure Evil) Nyarlathotep
- (Pure Heart) Tellus
- (Pure Loyal Cat) Cath Palug
- (Purifying Rod) Shiva
- (Quintessence) Parvati
- (Rage of Remembrance) Nergal
- (Raging Kitten) Cath Palug
- (Repairer of Thoughts) Hlin
- (Rescue Machine) Medjed
- (Rider of the Seas) Artemis
- (Roaring Cloud) Nue
- (Rondo of Rose) Vishnu
- (Ruler of Sea Breezes) Poseidon
- (Scarlet Eye of the Abyss) Proserpina
- (Scythe of Benevolence) Viatis
- (Sea Monster) Kraken
- (Sealer of Time) Djehuti
- (Seaside Glitter) Apollo
- (Seduction on the Beach) Diana
- (Seeker of Beauty) Charis
- (Seeking Guardian) Phul
- (Seeking Journey) Astraea
- (Self-Respect Guardian) Ophiel
- (Serpent of Purity) Yamata no Orochi
- (Shadow on Ice) Chernobog
- (Shining Corps King) Kingu
- (Shining Novice) Ea
- (Shooter of Love) Shaitan
- (Sincere Magician) Viatis
- (Sincerity at a Glance) Forseti
- (Single-Minded Follower) Fulda
- (Snack of Pleasure) Litan
- (Snow Angel) Raphael