Kamihime Project Wiki
"A giant Eidolon who was sealed at the bottom of the sea by the thunder god Thor.
She is on a rampage trying to find the Kamihime whom sealed her."
Jormungandr Close Rarity SSR
Element WaterSymbol Water
Max Level 100
Obtained Wicked Emperor of the Abyss
Eidolon Orb Exchange
Epic Quests
HP Attack Total Power
90 - 540 298 - 1788 388 - 2328
Summon Attack - Current of Annihilation
Deals Water DMG to all enemies (++++)
and applies Attack Down ATK↓ (S&W Frame -10%) to all enemies
Cooldown: 10 Turns
Duration: 180 sec
Eidolon Effect - Blood of the World Serpent
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Water character's ATK↑ 30% / HP↑ 10%
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ Water character's ATK↑ 35% / HP↑ 10%
★ ★ ☆ ☆ Water character's ATK↑ 35% / HP↑ 15%
★ ★ ★ ☆ Water character's ATK↑ 40% / HP↑ 15%
★ ★ ★ ★ Water character's ATK↑ 40% / HP↑ 20%

