Kamihime Project Wiki
Metatron [Awakened] is an SSRplus SSR+ rarity, LightSymbol Light element, Offense Offense type Kamihime.
Her max level is 80, and she does not have a release weapon.

Original Awakened
Metatron Metatron (Awakened)
(Summer's Bloom) Metatron (Explosive Maiden) Metatron (Blessed Bomb Bride) Metatron
Metatron [Awakened]
"Metatron that broke through her limits due to her desire to be noticed.
With ancient rockets in her hands as weapons, she can send all enemies flying.
Metatron (Awakened) Close Rarity SSRplus
Type Offense
Favourite Weapon/s Hammer
Element LightSymbol Light
Max level 80
Obtained from Awaken Metatron
Release weapon N/A
HP Attack Total Power
310 - 1550 2180 - 10900 2490 - 12450
Burst Icon Keter Impact
Light DMG (5,5x Burst DMG) and Resets Countdown (Icon) Count to 5 if it is 0
Burst DMG up Countdown
Burst atk up Burst DMG↑ (Stacking Frame +100% per stack)
(Lvl 65) Burst atk up Burst DMG↑ (Stacking Frame +150% per stack) and decreases Countdown (Icon) Count by 1. Reduces the cooldown by 1 turn
Cooldown: 3 (2) turns
Atkup defdown Overlimit
Atk up ATK↑ (B Frame +50%) and Defense Down DEF↓ (-20%)
(Lvl 75) Atk up ATK↑ (B Frame +75%) and Crit up Crit Rate↑ (+30% DMG, 50% Chance)
Cooldown: 6 turns
Period: 3 turns

Miracle Chalice Launch Out Unlocks at Level
Burst Gauge (100) to self
(Lvl 45) Adds Burst up Zeal (+100 BG / -5% HP) if Count is 2 or less
Cooldown: 6 turns
Period: 1 turn
Assist Full Boost
ATK↑ (+5%)
Assist Launch Count Unlocks at Level 55
Countdown (Icon) Count 5 at the start of battle.
Greatly increases burst performance if Countdown (Icon) Count is 0 (+100% Burst Cap/+450% Burst DMG) (4m burst)


  • Launch Count does not have any effect in battle until the first ability upgrades at level 65
  • Launch Count's Burst damage and limit is separate from the Exceed multiplier

