Kamihime Project Wiki
"A Soul that saw her country destroyed by conflicts among her friends.
She's consecrated her body and soul to atone for the sin of not caring for others."
Romulus Close Tier S Class
Favourite Weapons Sword
Type Defense
Master Bonus Soul def +4% DEF
Release Conditions Joan of Arc Lvl 20
500 SP
Completion of
Stages 1 - 5 in Hall
of Research
Burst Icon Executeris
A quick attack, combining both skill and sorcery
★ Element, DMG and Effects are dependent on equipped weapon
Ability 1
Buff dmg down Custos Spirytus
Applies Defense Up DMG Cut (A Frame 60%) to all participants
★ (Aeneas) Reduces the cooldown by 1 turn
Cooldown: 6 (5) Turns
Period: 1 Turn
Ability 2A
Heal regen Ambitious Prime Unlocks at Level 5
Applies a 500 HP Regen Regen and Double Up Double Attack Rate↑ (A Frame +25%) to all allies Cooldown: 7 Turns
Period: 5 Turns
Ability 2B
Skill taunt green Palatium Shenseea
Applies Defense Up DEF↑ (~60%), Taunt Taunt and a 1000 HP Regen Regeneration to self Cooldown: 6 Turns
Period: 5 Turns
Ability 2C
Rear Guard Scutum Ferro
Applies Defense Up DEF↑ (~93%) to self and Ally guard Guards all allies Cooldown: 6 Turns
Period: 2 Turns
Ability 3A
Dmg atk down Habitius Padere Unlocks at Level 15
Deals 3x (400.000) DMG to an enemy and applies Attack Down ATK↓ (A Frame -30%) Cooldown: 6 Turns
Period: 180 sec
Ability 3B
Intercept red Invitare Direct
Deals 3x (400.000) DMG to an enemy and applies Intercept Retaliate (500.000 cap) to self Cooldown: 6 Turns
Period: 3 Turns
Ability 3C
Dmg burst reduce Majestas Show
Deals 3x (400.000) DMG to an enemy and reduces charge turn by 1 Cooldown: 5 Turns
Buff DEF Vow of Defense
Applies Defense Up DEF↑ (+100%) to all allies
* Can only be used once per battle.
Cooldown: 0 Turns
Period: 10 Turns
Assist Trance Counter
Atk up ATK↑ (Stacking Frame +20%, 3T) to self when receiving damage
Assist Presidio Autem
All allies DEF↑ (+5%)
Assist Impregnable Manifestation
Permanent 20% DMG cut on self
★ Only active when Alba Longa is equipped

Level Up Bonus[]

Level Bonus
1 Soul def +5% DEF and HP soul bonus +100 HP
5 Soul def +5% DEF and HP soul bonus +100 HP
10 Soul def +5% DEF and HP soul bonus +100 HP
15 Soul def +5% DEF and HP soul bonus +100 HP
20 Soul def +5% DEF and HP soul bonus +100 HP
Total Bonus Soul def +25% DEF and HP soul bonus +500 HP


1st June 2021 Rebalance:

  • Palatium Shenseea - Increased Regen from 400HP to 600HP

31st March 2023 Rebalance:

  • Ambitious Prime - Regen effect up from 300 to 500 HP
  • Palatium Shenseea - Regen effect up from 600 to 1000 HP
  • Habitius Padere - Reduced cooldown from 7 to 6 turns and increased DMG multiplier and cap (2x/200.000 -> 3x/400.000)
  • Invitare Direct - Increased DMG multiplier and cap (2.5x/250.000 -> 3x/400.000) and Retaliate DMG cap up (250.000 -> 500.000)
  • Majestas Show - Increased DMG multiplier and cap (1.5x/200.000 -> 3x/400.000)

